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Gold Tantric

Tantric Massage South Kensington

It’s a known fact that Gold Tantric Massage is a tranquil oasis for a sumptuous and indulgent Tantric massage in the heart of South Kensington. We’re devoted to helping you embark on an extraordinary journey into profound sensual exploration.

Each gentle touch from our highly skilled masseuses ignites a world of pleasure that goes beyond the everyday routine. Step inside our enchanting sanctuary and be prepared to feel utterly relaxed.

Indulgence, tranquillity, and delight await every step of the massage session; all we need is you.

Our South Kensington Tantric Massage Masseuses

Hair Colour
Type of Masseuse
Massage Types

Rates and Bookings

Ready to embark on a journey of pleasure and relaxation? Experience the unrivalled pleasure of our signature tantric massage at Gold Tantric London. Book your session today and discover a world of sensual exploration.

Contact us now for rates and to secure your booking.

Types of Tantric Massage Services in South Kensington

Our tantric massage services include Sensual Body to Body Massage, Lingam/Yoni Massage, Nuru Massage, Couples Massage, and other bespoke options.

Each service provides its unique journey into pleasure and relaxation.

Sensual Body to Body Massage: We use our bodies and tantra practices to intensify sensations, providing deep knead and tension relief. You’ll experience ultimate tranquillity and sensual bliss.

Lingam/Yoni Massage: A unique tantric massage focusing on the client’s sexual organs, leading to sensual arousal and energy unlocking. It provides deep healing, relaxation, and spiritual awakening.

Nuru Massage: Our intimate tantric nuru massage uses a clear, slippery seaweed-based gel. In addition to sensual pleasures, it eases muscles and nerves, ensuring all-around well-being.

Couples Tantric Massage: A shared experience that helps couples become more connected. Our masseuses use gentle strokes to relax both partners, promoting physical and emotional pleasure.


Hear it from our customers

Overall Masseuse Ratings: 5 / 5 based on 129 reviews.
Nuru Massage London

Benefits of Tantric Massage in South Kensington

Experience an unforgettable journey of pleasure and relaxation with our distinctive tantric massage services, offering myriad benefits, including stress relief, enhanced sensuality, improved intimate connection and better sexual health.

Uncover more about the transformative power of tantric massages by diving into the details below.

Improved Intimacy and Connection

We trust in our touch and tantric techniques to help couples improve their intimacy and connect on a deeper level. The experience leads to many sensual discoveries that would go a long way in changing the sexual performance of couples for the better.

You learn about your body while finding new ways to make your mate happy. Over time, this brings heaps of love between you two. It’s like coming upon hidden gold! By choosing us, you’re picking to raise your close levels significantly.

Improved Sexual Health and Wellness

This style of massage can do wonders for your sexual health and wellness. It offers solutions to issues related to low libido, premature climax or challenges in reaching an orgasm. Furthermore, it strengthens intimacy between partners in the bedroom.

The relaxation that this treatment brings can enhance your romantic experience. It awakens sleeping energy, paving the way for greater pleasure during intimate moments. Visit us in South Kensington to unleash your sensual capacity and embrace better sexual health!

The Tantric Blog

Why Choose Gold Tantric Massage?

At Gold Tantric Massage, we pride ourselves on our team of experienced and skilled masseuses who provide tailored sessions in a luxurious, discreet environment. We use only high-quality products and oils to ensure you receive the best possible service.

Trust us for exceptional customer service every time you step through our doors.

Experienced and Skilled Masseuses

Our group boasts some of the top sensual massage experts in South Kensington. All are trained and gifted in offering an unmatched massage journey. Each member knows how to grant your body ease and joy.

We ensure they polish their craft well to bestow happiness on you. You can trust us to deliver memorable experiences every session.

Luxurious and Discreet Environment

We have quiet, tidy, and private spaces around Kensington for all our incall tantric massage sessions. The rooms feature luxurious decor, and calming ambience, perfect for an intense sensual treat.

Nevertheless, we also provide outcall services to clients’ locations. This ensures the client is in a familiar environment where they feel comfortable and safe.

Personalised and Tailored Sessions

We don’t treat everyone the same way. Clients have different needs, preferences, and expectations. Therefore, we listen to everyone who needs our expertise and tailor everything to ensure they enjoy complete satisfaction.

If you like a specific fragrance, prefer certain massage oils, or want your favourite tune to play in the background during the massage, we’ll be happy to do as you please and recommend even better options.

High-Quality Products and Oils

Only the best oils and items are used for massages at Gold Tantric. They’re soft and safe to use and provide benefits like hydrating the skin. Also, they smell lovely. 

Getting the right oil is key to a flawless tantric massage. Each oil is chosen carefully to ensure it can stir up your senses. After using these fine-grade oils, you will feel cosy, at ease, and cheery.

We’ve also invested in top-quality products inside the massage rooms to provide the ultimate tantric massage experience. From massage tables, towels, lighting, and decor. 

Excellent Customer Service

Finally, we have a highly professional and friendly customer care team that addresses all requests and concerns—fast. They’ll give you accurate details about our tantric massage services and masseuses in South Kensington, and ensure everything is in order before and after the massage session.

We strive to make every visit special and seamless. Your satisfaction means everything to us. We don’t mind going the extra mile to make you happy.


The cost of a Tantric massage at Gold Tantric London varies depending on the type of massage, the duration, and whether it’s an incall or outcall service. Here are some base rates:

  • 1 Hour: £250 (Incall), £300 (Outcall)

  • 90 Mins: £400 (Incall), £450 (Outcall)

  • 2 Hours: £500 (Incall), £600 (Outcall)

  • Additional Hour: £250 (Incall), £300 (Outcall)

These rates are applicable for our premium therapists. Different types of massages, such as our Signature Tantric Massage, Mutual Touching Massage, Nuru Massage, Aqua Massage, etc., have specific rates, which can be found on our website. Note that there may be extra charges for Elite Masseuse (+£50) and Gold Masseuse (+£100) due to their higher experience and additional services provided.

To ensure that you secure your desired time and date for your tantric massage experience, it is recommended to book in advance. Availability can vary, so booking a few days or even a week ahead is advisable.

This will give you the best chance of getting a suitable time slot and allow our highly skilled tantric masseuses to prepare for your session. Contact us today to arrange your unforgettable tantric massage journey with Gold Tantric London.

It helps you relax, feel refreshed, and reduce stress. With gentle touch and sensual techniques, tantric massage promotes overall well-being.

It increases self-awareness and emotional happiness while building intimacy with yourself or your partner. Whether you want to unwind or explore sensuality, tantric massage in London gives you a wonderful experience that revitalises you.

Tantric massage is often misunderstood as being purely about sexual pleasure. However, it has a much deeper significance. Along with potentially enhancing sexual pleasure, it offers an array of holistic benefits:

  • Emotional Healing: Tantric massage can help release deep-seated pain and trauma, promoting emotional well-being.

  • Building Intimacy and Trust: The practice involves a significant degree of vulnerability and openness, which can help build greater intimacy and trust between partners.

  • Promoting Self-Awareness: It encourages individuals to become more aware of their bodies, energy, and feelings.

  • Stress Relief: Like any other form of massage, it helps reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Remember, the primary aim of tantric massage is not the pursuit of orgasm but rather the nurturing of a profound, intimate connection between partners.

Tantric massage can enhance intimacy by fostering a deeper connection between you and your partner. It encourages mindfulness, mutual respect, and emotional bond, all contributing to a more satisfying relationship.

Tantric massage can provide a range of mental health benefits:

  • Stress Reduction: The deeply relaxing techniques used in tantric massage can help reduce stress levels by lowering cortisol levels, the body’s main stress hormone.

  • Mental Clarity: By promoting relaxation and mindfulness, tantric massage helps to clear the mind of clutter and distraction, potentially enhancing focus and decision-making abilities.

  • Emotional Healing: The nurturing, intimate nature of tantric massage may help to heal emotional wounds by promoting a sense of comfort and acceptance.

  • Improves Sleep Quality: The relaxation achieved during a tantric massage can often lead to better sleep, which is crucial for overall mental health.

  • Anxiety Reduction: Tantric massage aims to balance the body’s energy flow, which can help to alleviate feelings of anxiety or unease.

  • Enhanced Self-esteem and Body Image: Tantric massage involves honouring the body as a temple. This can boost self-esteem and promote a positive body image.

Remember, while tantric massage can complement mental health care, it shouldn’t replace professional medical advice or therapy.

Both tantra and prostate massages have numerous physical benefits.

  • Tantra massage: This holistic approach can aid in body relaxation, manage pain, relieve stress, and potentially help with sleep disorders, such as insomnia. It involves conscious breathing exercises and an intentional focus on energy flow throughout the body, which can enhance overall well-being.
  • Prostate massage: While it’s often associated with sexual health, prostate massage has other physical benefits too. It can enhance blood circulation in the prostate, improve urinary health, alleviate symptoms of prostatitis, and potentially reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

Yes, you and your partner can enjoy a tantric massage together. Tantric massage is a sensual and intimate experience that promotes relaxation, pleasure, and deep connection between partners.